


Hutong is located at the centre of Causeway Bay, and we aim to provide a world-class spa experience for guests and staff. At Hutong, massage services, steaming, comfort and care for each guest, bringing an impressive and energetic experience that has dramatically changed the mind and body. 足沐是從古代流傳至今的民間療法,以中醫的角度而言,足部就仿如「第二個心臟」,能反映人體的身體健康狀況。而都市人生活節奏急促,作息不定時,飲食習慣不良好,對身體造成負擔,久而久之便會出現很多毛病,甚至出現亞健康的問題。 胡桐足沐的誕生 「胡桐」是瓊崖海棠的別名,具有淨化、治癒的意思。我們取名「胡桐」寓意是為客人淨化身心靈,舒緩情緒壓力。而我們整體設計以令人心情放鬆的湖水綠為主色,搭配感覺平和寧靜的米白色花朵,再以柔和輕快的音樂,讓客人一踏入胡桐,便好像進入了一個融入舒適悠閒的國度。 我們致力為客人提供高質素的新式按摩服務,並秉成纖之美集團「以客為本」的宗旨,除了身體經絡按摩及腳底穴位按摩外,更引進了足部薰蒸療法。而透過足沐,人們能卸下繁囂的都市壓力;同時配合富有節奏感的按摩手法,人們更能舒緩情緒上的煩躁緊張。


Jacqueline C.
2020-06-24 01:37:31

Could have been better. The massage itself was good, but I could have relaxed more if the masseuse hadn't moved in such a hurried pace. Also, simple things that don't cost much or are free could have elevated the experience such as a good music, or some spa-like scent within the premises. Also, for an aromatherapy massage, the oil used was not scented at all. There were also no covid measures imposed - no temperature check, and no sanitisers provided..
