Sports massage one of the best way to a quick recovery

Sports Massage

A great method for muscle and mental recovery!

Sports Massage

Simple rest just might not be enough to support an intense exercise habit. A sports massage can help you towards accomplishing multiple goals: relax your muscles, drain the toxins, identify muscle contractions and ease them. Nothing is better than a firm hand to loosen those knots.

Why massage for muscle recovery?

After a sports competition or heavy exercise, a deep massage efficiently allows your body to loosen tense muscles. Relaxing and stimulating massage maneuvers will allow the entire body to reconstitute and help you to achieve a quicker recovery. For exercise lovers, nothing is more important than being able to get back out there for more. A professional massage therapist helps to:

  • recover faster by draining toxins
  • reduce tiredness
  • resume training faster and more safely
  • comfort the mind, which is also affected by an intense physical stress
Sports Massage

What are the techniques specific to a sports massage?

In order to be effective, a good sport massage has to last between 20 and 30 minutes. It can be useful before exercise, but it is most often employed afterwards.
Ideally, it should take place in a calm, relaxing and neutral environment. Try to avoid noise, dry air and flashy lights. The massage gesture should rub from nerve endings to the roots (for example, ankle towards knee or elbow toward shoulder)

Another important component is stretching which helps to boost the intramuscular blood flow.
However, doing it by yourself is not always so convenient – without knowledge of proper routines and inaccessible body areas (back and hamstrings), you can hurt yourself. That is why we recommend using the services of a professional therapist or using a specially-designed massage machine.

Sports Massage

What are the key points for complete sport recovery?

Drink a lot!

Sweating during exercise depletes you of water and that needs to be refilled as fast as possible. Within 24 hours of a big exercise session, 2 liters of water (at least) is a must. And you should add on to that amount if you’re working out in conditions of high heat or humidity.

Eat healthy

After heavy exercise, an ideal dinner could be:

  • Vegetable broth
  • Pasta, rice or boiled potatoes – with a little bit of butter and cheese.
  • Bread
  • Fresh and/or dried fruits

Sports Massage

Get good massages

A sports massage helps the body to recover faster and helps the muscles to retrieve their initial flexibility and avoid aches or general soreness resulting from a body that is not prepared enough for the strain.
The technique and the experience of a therapist will play an important role. However, one should not underestimate the potency of balms, special creams and massage oil to increase the effectiveness of massage. Essential oils – sandalwood, juniper, lavender, rosemary camphor and eucalyptus – are among the most widely-used for such purpose. They have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties which will help to relax the muscles further.

Here is our recommendation for one of the finest essential oils massages

If you feel unusual tensions in specific muscles, tendons, ligaments or joints, the therapist can drill down on these areas. If the symptoms remain after several days, you may also want to speak to a physiotherapist to prevent developing musculoskeletal disorders.

Sports massage

Our guide for post-exercise cooldown:

  • Right after the sport session drink one liter of mild soda water
  • Receive a 30 minute massage and then take a warm shower
  • Unwind with calming activities at home
  • Have a healthy meal for dinner
  • Get a good sleep (this is a essential!)

Listen to your body to choose the right one but here are our recommendations for the best sport massages in town:

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